Last evening I went to a Jazz concert in Ocean View, at one of the many lovely beaches the city has revamped. I don't know why it is called Ocean View! The view is actually of the Chesapeake Bay. In any case, the city brings in a band on Friday and Sunday evenings over the summer months. It is part of a concert series and tourist marketing scheme. These are very popular and last evening was no disappointment as there were many folks there.
What was unusual though, were the empty balconies. As the sun was setting, I looked up at the above pictured condo, which is just adjacent to where the concert is held, and expected to see loads of people overloading the balcony's, as always with these type things. No such sight though. Just one lone man kicked back on the upper deck!!!! What is this all about. Has the recession hardened housing market hit even this upper middle class condo. Surly they are not on vacation. No one can afford vacations these days. Perhaps instead of spending money on exotic drinks and grilled shrimp for a ridiculously large guest list, that the Fire Marshall I'm sure would have something to say about, they opted instead to be down on the beach with all the other folks slumming among the locals, me included, and tourists, which would account for the unusually large crowd.

Prior to the Jazz concert, I went to a Rugby Game in the park across the street from where I live. I love when the games are just the local folks and not the local college teams. No refs and every one seems to have so much more fun. The ODU rugby team typically plays here. In this game the skins beat the shirts.

The moon was out early last evening too.

Hurricane Bertha is in the Atlantic and although not close enough to be a danger, certainly close enough to effect the surf. I was surprised at just how calm the surf was.

Today I am off to a softball game. My granddaughter made the All Star team and they have a game today. With some luck, I'll have some photos of kids having fun playing a summer sport that has become a symbol of summer. Sooooo keep your eye's on the look out, I'll have photos of it for tomorrows blog.
~TomC ~