The Cost of seeing your Son-in-law out in public wearing a Bone Head T-Shirt......Priceless

Yesterday's softball game was a treat. It is so nice to see kids having fun. Good fun at that. One of the things that most impressed me, is the support the team members give to each other. Not enough teaching of that kind of character going on in todays world.
Here is the team's Pitcher, and a good one at that.

I watch as the pitcher injured her knee. Apparently nothing serious but what took place following that was truly inspiring and made my heart leap for joy.

The coach, of course, was immediately at the pitchers mound. He had the girl raise her leg and he begain pouring water over her knee.

With out being asked or signaled, the entire team came in from the field to the pitcher's mound and help support the young girl, with not only words but action. They gathered around her and helped hold her in place comfortably while the coach continued to pour water over the knee.

We need more of this type of character being instilled in our youth today. We also need more coaches that are able to instill this ideal into their teams.
Well done and my hat is off to you, the coaches of the SYAA.
And didn't think I would let you get out of here without first showing off some photos of my wonderful Granddaughter, whom I love very much and am so proud.
My Beautiful Granddaughter, Kristin

The opposing pitcher nearly hit her with the ball. That pitcher better watch out. I have a photo of her and I just might put a mustach on her and post it, if she hit's her with the ball next time.

Kristin Hit's A Single

Have a good day folks. Tomorrow a little something with a Latin Flavor
All comments welcome