Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Children of the Sea

Children of the Sea
Here are a few more surfing shots for you
(Click on photo for larger view)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

East Coast Surfing Championship

Attended the East Coast Surfing Championship, being held in Virginia Beach, yesterday. I will be going back today for more shots of the actions. Here are just a few from Fridays events.

The day was quite pleasant with temperatures in the lower 80's and low humidity.

I thought you would enjoy seeing.........uhmmmmmm......The Van

Surfers Read the Baords, Wax the Boards, and Ride the Boards

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rainy Day Abstracts

Some believe that photographing in the rain is not a good or fun thing to do. However, if your a lover of the abstract, such as I, then there is no better producer of natural abstracts waiting to be photographed then in a good down pour.

The trick to seeing the world in an abstract way is learning to see the forest through the trees. This works great for those of us who are a little short sighted, so to speak. The next time you are out in your vehicle and the skies above let loose with a heavy weep, pull your car over, turn off the wipers and watch the show being presented right on the windshield. The trick is to look at the windshield and not through it. Try squinting your eyes if you are having a hard time seeing anything other than rain drops. It takes a little practice but once you get the hang of it, it can be a rewarding experience.

Finally, in my book there is nothing better than an abstract photograph that can be made right there at the camera's lens.

(Click on any Image to see a larger version)

Shopping in the Rain

Crossing Little Creek
Danger Stop
Driving Storm
Running Lights
Stuffed Toys

Thanks for looking ~TomC~

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Save Water - For our Children

Save Water
For our Children's Sake

Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people? The rest is salt water (the kind you find in the ocean) or is permanently frozen and we can't drink it, wash with it, or use it to water plants. With exploding human population growth, especially in poor countries, these finite supplies get quickly spoken for.

The most valuable commodity in the world today, and likely to remain so for much of this century, is not oil, not natural gas, not even some type of renewable energy. It’s water—clean, safe, fresh water. Today, many of the world’s leading investors and most successful companies are making big bets on water. Do a little research, and it’s easy to see why. There simply isn’t enough freshwater to go around, and the situation is expected to get worse before it gets better

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August Walk in a Wildflower Garden

Had a nice walk in the gardens yesterday.
(Click on any photo to see the details in a larger version)

I spotted a Red Tailed Hawk, sitting atop a 60 foot pine tree.

Something about the remnants of these flower appealed to me

I got a kick out of this Cardinal hiding from me.
He kept a steady eye on me.
Wonder if he thought I couldn't see him hiding in the bush.

This one is for the flower lovers.
The gardens have a wonderful Wild Flower Section.
Lady Byrd Johnson would be proud.

I don't know the name of this plant, but I do know this.
The Indians use to use it as dye and for war paint.

There was beautiful orange rose but alas;
I wanted to do something creative in B&W with it.

I just love trying to photograph Bee's in Flight.
Takes a little patience.

I hardly ever see Red Lady Bugs anymore.
Most I come across are brown.
Needless to say I was happy to spot this one.

Have a Picture Perfect Day ~TomC~

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Insects in the Garden

I took a walk through the gardens yesterday and brought back some of the creatures I found there. A spider, dragon fly and some butterflies, and a disappointed bee.

Click on an Image to see a larger version

Have Buggy Day ~TomC~


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