Had a nice walk in the gardens yesterday.
(Click on any photo to see the details in a larger version)
I spotted a Red Tailed Hawk, sitting atop a 60 foot pine tree.

Something about the remnants of these flower appealed to me

I got a kick out of this Cardinal hiding from me.
He kept a steady eye on me.
Wonder if he thought I couldn't see him hiding in the bush.

This one is for the flower lovers.
The gardens have a wonderful Wild Flower Section.
Lady Byrd Johnson would be proud.

I don't know the name of this plant, but I do know this.
The Indians use to use it as dye and for war paint.

There was beautiful orange rose but alas;
I wanted to do something creative in B&W with it.

I just love trying to photograph Bee's in Flight.
Takes a little patience.

I hardly ever see Red Lady Bugs anymore.
Most I come across are brown.
Needless to say I was happy to spot this one.

Have a Picture Perfect Day ~TomC~